We mediate virtually! 

We help you (couples and families) have powerful conversations that build their relationships while they aretraveling and living fantastic adventures.

Maybe things have been a little rocky. Everything got busy with school, work, kids, and life.

It's not like it used to be, and you miss it. You know what would be fun? Going on an awesome trip. You'll both have a blast, and your relationship will be better than ever.

There are things that need to be discussed, and you will love having a problem solving specialist or mediator to help you figure it all out. There will be time during your trip, on the bus, plane, ship, during down time at the cafe, to sort out some of the areas of your relationship that need some attention. ​All your conversations with the mediator are private and confidential. Your mediator has the tools and experience to help the two of you manage your emotions and hear each other. 

You will notice a big difference in the way you feel about yourself, your partner and your future together. You will see more clearly what you want, and what you are willing to do to get it. This focused, powerful solution, a course correction, will help you both make the changes necessary to take you where you want to go.

Maybe it's not the time for a trip, but you would love the relationship upgrade. We do virtual relationship renewal, too. For more information about travel or virtual appointments, please use our Contact Us page, and we will contact you to discuss how and when we can help.